
Consortium for Educational Leadership and Teacher Training (CELTT)

Our organizational goal is to bring talented and passionate educators together to create meaningful and practical learning opportunities. We aim to

  • provide continuing professional engagement and development
  • create an intellectual space without boundaries
  • exchange insights, experiences and passions
  • expand the scope of learning for teachers
  • collaborate on projects and publications for the education of the English language teaching and learning community


Through our partnerships, we are:

  • developing resources and empowering language teachers
  • exchanging ideas and sharing best practices
  • broadening the network and exploring global innovations in materials, modes and methods

Join our Facebook Teachers’ page today!

Continuing professional development programs

International Mentorship & Professional Development in English Language Teaching

Interactive and self-guided refresher courses in English grammar and pedagogy

Professional Excellence to Educational Leadership


August 2021 Conference

Writing, Pedagogy & The English Language Classroom

http://Call for conference proposals Online World of Learning (OWL) & Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA) invite you to present at and attend the Teachers’ Choice Conference taking place virtually, August 14th… Go to this Sway


Watch this space for more information on session topics, schedules and registration. This section will be updated during the last week of July.